Setting New Goals

I've definitely burned some calories.
Well, this tracking thing didn't go very well, did it? No updates since December and I admit, life gets in the way and sitting in front of a computer is not what I want to do after a full day of work. I haven't had a magical transformation yet, but I have come a long way in terms of strength. I had set some goals to achieve by my birthday in July and I did it.

I've been steadily going to the gym, just staying consistent and while the pounds haven't melted off of me, I am definitely stronger. Six months ago I could not do a full push up but today I can:
  • Do 15 real push ups in a row. 
  • I can maintain a wall sit for 3:30 with a 25 lb weight on my lap. 
  • I can bench press 100 pounds. 
  • I can do not 1, but 5 unassisted tricep dips. 
I remember how hard it was just to keep my body weight up on the captain's chair (or the Power Tower at some gyms) at the Y. Now, I can walk right up to the equipment, pump out a few leg raises and turn around to do some dips.

I've been good at meal prep, fasted cardio in the a.m., working on my muscles and trying different things in terms of diet and exercise. I've attended my first Soul Cycle class, which I loved, but can't afford due to location and cost, but it was fun and challenging. I've attended boot camp classes near my home, though I think I need to look into personal training a bit before I venture into the land of flipping tires and attempting pull ups again.

There was a trip back to the East Coast where I plugged in my headphones, played Eye of the Tiger and ran up the Rocky steps at the Philadelphia Museum of Art after a 2 mile run. Even on vacation, I made sure to enjoy a swanky hotel gym, a run by the water and over 15 miles of walking per day in New York City!

So, long story short,  I didn't give up, I just gave up tracking. I'd like to set new goals for myself this August which will include keeping myself accountable. I won't put pressure on myself to have lengthy, awe inspiring posts. I'll just post what I feel is necessary or something that I can track my progress with.

August Goals:
  1. Work on my assisted pull-ups and grip strength 3x a week 
  2. Plank a day, increase time by 3-5 sec
  3. The ability to be able to hold crow pose 
  4. Write in the blog, record meal and workout examples
  5. Track food with My Fitness Pal
  6. Minimum 36 push ups a day
A photo recap of what I've been up to, operation Bye Bye, Back Fat, still going strong.

Adios, rolls!


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