Mini Milestone

It's been about 8 years since I have been able to run 1 mile in under 10 minutes. I didn't wake up thinking this was the day or that I'd even try. I just knew it was leg day, and I wanted to run 1 mile as my warm up.  Maybe it was the pre-workout beverage I drank giving me the extra initiative, but I just got on that treadmill, walked one minute and started running. I kept cranking up my speed every few minutes and by the last 3, I was running 7 mph. 
The last time I even attempted this was 2006 I believe, when I decided to train for a half marathon. Of course I was 8 years younger and a few surgeries shy, but the fact that I could complete it this morning gave me a little glimmer of hope of the year to come. 

Afterwards, I was glad to see the squat rack free. I managed to get in about 6 rounds of 6-8 reps starting with 2 rounds of just the bar at 10 reps. It went 45-65-85. I'm still taking it easy and not going full weight (95lb or above). I headed over to the free weight section and grabbed a 35# barbell and did some lunges, good mornings and ass-to-grass squats. I did side lunges and then 2 sets of 20 rapid fire squats til burn out. Needless to say, it was hard for me to walk down the gym stairs to the locker room. 

We had free lunch at work today so I refrained from going crazy, but I did indulge in half a mini burrito and a piece of chocolate cake. I ain't even gonna sweat it, because I was dripping sweat this morning. Eat the food, lift the things.


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